Friday, December 7, 2007

My Personal Wikipedia Testing: MediaWiki 1.11.0

This Personal Wiki Gate. Not yet completeness, now Test going
Wiki is Cool.

Everybody edit, create, modify and delete.
Please you can cooperate to make Personal Wiki. Don't you?

- I show Some of My personal Wiki image.

You can see history of all user's Document modify!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Personal Wiki Test: MediaWiki

Personal Wiki: Media Wiki

MediaWiki is a free software wiki package originally written for Wikipedia. It is now used by several other projects of the non-profit Wikimedia Foundation and by many other wikis, including this very website, the home of MediaWiki.
Download MediaWiki right away, or use the links below to explore the basic site contents. You'll find some content translated into other languages, but the primary reference language for the whole site is English. Please read more about this site.

For general questions dealing with the software see the recommended possibilities of communication and maybe our support desk. If you have a suggestion dealing with this wiki, please visit the corresponding discussion page.

============I think Problems==============
Information sharing is difficult
- Customer, Skill, Time not saving
Very Disgusting
- Text, Varies, Setup and Expansion

Monday, November 19, 2007

My Father have been exercise a martial arts Grand Master thirty years ago।


He have been exercise a martial arts(무도 [武道]) and Bodybuilding over 40 years or more.

This little man is my father. He is small man but fast and strong than anyone else.

Center is my father(master) and disciples.


and He was bodybuilding Chanpion Fourty years ago.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Financial Technology Information(재테크 정보)

1. Precise details of preparation. 독하게 준비하라(자신의 재무상황을 정확히 파악하라)

2. Very savings. 독하게 절약하라(재테크는 습관이다.)

3. A precise plan. 독하게 계획하라.(재테크의 목표를 구체적으로 수립하라)

4. Be sure to run! 독하게 실천하라.(실천하라! 실천하라! 실천하라!)

5. A precise finish. 독하게 마무리하라.(변동되는 재무상황을 보완하라.)

Sunday, November 11, 2007

My Ruby Course..

- column add -

DBA typically use to Utility. As follows..
==> alter table productor add column price decimal(8,3);

But Ruby use MIGRATE(Modification and Connection DB)

and modify code

Again Migrate

Validity add - location app/models/product.rb

You can see this page

Validates Method using
class Product < ActiveRecord::Base
validates_presence_of :title, :description, :image_url
validates_numericality_of :price
validates_uniqueness_of :title
validates_format_of :image_url,
:with => %r{\.(gif|jpg|png)$}i,
:message => "must be a URL for a GIF, JPG, or PNG image"

def validate
errors.add(:price, "should be at least 0.01") if price.nil? || price < 0.01

Generate Dynamic scaffold
depot> ruvy script/generate scaffold product admin

Using following Source

Enter: http://localhost:3000/admin/list You can see result

Create another Controller
depot> ruby script/generate controller store index

Request data from DB.
class StoreController < ApplicationController
def index
@products = Product.find_products_for_sale
def self.find_products_for_sale
find(:all, :order => "title")
=================add source======================>

Friday, November 9, 2007

Reading book(Economy - Business - Management - IT)

Do we must making Inovation or not?

Six Sigma and IT Service: Inovation IT

- Korea book about Asset Management - (:+ I need money!)

- Drucker tell me a lot of things(Inovation, Management, Business, Economic) -

- What is Negotiation? (It's very interesting subject)-

- How do you create and management a good company? -

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

^ -^ Java Exam: Private courses

// exam is very famous. ^^;*;
//exam's subject = class'name....
public class HelloDate{
public static void main(String[] args){
System.out.println("Hello, Today?");
System.out.print(new Date()); //Objects produce


public class Precedence{
public static void main(String[] args){
int x = 1, y = 2, z = 3;
int a = x + y - 2/2 + z;
int b = x + (y - 2)/(2 + z);
System.out.println("a = " + a + " b = " + b);

//import static net.mindview.util.Print.*;
//This error..^^; I don't useing

class Tank{
int level;

public class Assignment{
public static void main(String[] args){
Tank t1 = new Tank();
Tank t2 = new Tank();
t1.level = 9;
t2.level = 47;

System.out.println("1: t1.level: " + t1.level +
", t2.level: " + t2.level);
t1 = t2;
System.out.println("2: t1.level: " + t1.level +
", t2.level: " + t2.level);
t1.level = 27;
System.out.println("3: t1.level: " + t1.level +
", t2.level: " + t2.level);

//Relation operateor
public class Equivalence{
public static void main(String[] args){
Integer n1 = new Integer(46);
Integer n2 = new Integer(10);
System.out.println(n1 == n2); ==>boolen(false)
System.out.println(n1 != n2); ==>boolen(true)

class Rock{
Rock() { //initializations

public class SimpleConstructor{
public static void main(String[] args){
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++);
new Rock();

//메소드 오버로딩

public class OverloadingOrder{
static void f(String s, int i)
System.out.println("String: " + s + ", int: " + 1);
static void f(int i, String s)
System.out.println("int: " + i + ",String: " +s);
public static void main(String[] args){
f("String first", 11);
f(15, "Int first");

//initialization/ This - This의 리턴문 사용.

public class Leaf{
int i = 0;
Leaf increment(){
return this;
void print(){
System.out.println(" i = " + i);
public static void main(String[] args){
Leaf X = new Leaf();
X.increment().increment().increment().print(); //Same method using <.>

//initialization/PassingThis.jsva - Class passed(This)- 다른 클래스의 메소드로 전달

class Person{
public void eat(Apple apple){
Apple peeled = apple.getPeeled();

class Peeler{
static Apple peel(Apple apple){
//....remove peel
return apple; //Peeled

class Apple{
Apple getPeeled(){
return Peeler.peel(this); //used this for pass to another method

public class PassingThis{
public static void main(String[] args){
new Person().eat(new Apple());